A limited liability company (LLC) is a business organization that maximizes business benefits but also limits liabilities. Most business entities formed are LLCs. Any new business idea or venture should be considered for LLC formation.
An LLC is not complicated. And forming one shouldn't be either. The CPA Attorney can help you form your LLC legally, provide you an enforceable operating agreement, and get your business started quickly and properly. An LLC should be drafted to match all your legal requirements including ownership levels, rights between owners, capital funding, and distributions. Every LLC must be filed with the State and The CPA Attorney will help with every aspect so you can make your focus on running your business.
A 501(c) Non Profit Charity credential is required to start your charitable organization and gain tax exemption status. Besides forming a business, you must also file the necessary paperwork with the Internal Revenue Service. Having The CPA Attorney, who is both an attorney and a CPA, help you through the process will be more efficient.
Forming your business or charity requires the proper paperwork. The CPA Attorney will do it for you correctly and explain it so it is tailored to your needs.