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Fraud Investigation

Fraud Investigation

          As a CPA, The CPA Attorney has five years of audit experience where he investigated accounts, checked supporting documents, reconciled accounts, and specifically reviewed every company account to attest to its accuracy. These techniques and investigations were done on publicly traded companies to the small business operation. The CPA Attorney will take those same skills, similar to those used in any SEC authorized audit, and use them to analyze your company for fraud, theft, and missing money.


          The CPA Attorney can advise on internal control, makes systems redundant, and limit the opportunity for theft. But if you think theft has occurred, The CPA Attorney will find it, quantify it, and start proceedings to recover it. You no longer need to hire an attorney, a forensic examiner, and an expert to prove your case. The CPA Attorney starts at the beginning, finds the missing assets, and recovers them. One person doing all tasks limits costs and increases efficiency exponentially.


If you fee fraud has occurred or want your systems investigated to prevent it.

Call The CPA Attorney today.

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